08.08.2023 CHECK-IN FOR NEW STUDENTS: WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW? Check-in of new students in the houses of students of S. Amanzholov EKU will last from August 25 to September 5. >>
07.08.2023 GRANTS AT THE EXPENSE OF LOCAL EXECUTIVE ORGANIZATIONS OF EKR ARE ALLOCATED TO THE UNIVERSITY From August 7 to August 13, Amanzholov University will accept applications for training at the expense of local budget (mayors grant) >>
04.08.2023 TEACHER OF UNIVERSITY MADE A REPORT AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALTAIC STUDIES The 65th Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), organized by the School of Natural Sciences and Humanities of Nazarbayev University and the International Turkic Academy, was held in Astana from July 30 to august 4. >>
03.08.2023 COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Educational work in the university is highlighted as one of the priority directions of activity and is an integral part of the process of training future specialists. >>
03.08.2023 ALMA MATER ON THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA Руководство альма-матер ведет масштабную и активную работу по интеграции вуза в мировое сообщество высших школ. Этому способствуют многочисленные участия и победы в международных научных конкурсах, спортивных универсиадах, а также крепкие партнерские отношения со многими учебными заведениями мира. >>
02.08.2023 SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRAL GPA AT EKU S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University became one of the four educational institutions of the country selected to launch a new model of GPA. >>
01.08.2023 "ALTAYTANU" SRC PROJECT WON GRANT FUNDING FROM THE MSHE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Recently, another competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2023-2025 was held. According to its results, SRC "Altaytanu" received the opportunity to implement a new project "Kazakhs as demographic potential of Kazakhstan: retrospective and development prospects". >>
28.07.2023 ADMISSION FOR REDUCED TERMS OF STUDY The specialists of the university announced the acceptance of documents of graduates from medical colleges for shortened terms of study. >>
26.07.2023 ONGOIN REPAIRS IN STUDENTS DORMITORIES ARE UNDERWAY The issue of Student Houses is one of the priorities in S. Amanzholov University. On the instructions of Rector Mukhtar Tolegen, regular repair works are carried out in the university to improve the premises. >>
25.07.2023 HOLDERS OF THE "ALTYN BELGI" MARK CHOOSE EKU Every year hundreds of holders of the "Altyn Belgi" sign enter the East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov. University enrolls hundreds of holders of the "Altyn Belgi" sign, graduates of NIS, winners of international Olympiads, winners of creative competitions, masters of sports and candidates for master of sports. >>
24.07.2023 SILVER UNIVERSITY: A NEW LOOK ON THE LIFE To this day, the problem of socialization of the elderly among the younger generation remains unsolved. In order to adapt to a new life after retirement, S.Amanzholov EKU successfully implements the project "Silver University" within the framework of the concept of lifelong learning. >>
21.07.2023 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS WILL STUDY IN SEVERAL COUNTRIES WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF ACADEMIC MOBILITY EKU named after S. Amanzholov actively cooperates with a large number of foreign universities. After all, the university has an academic mobility program that helps strengthen relations with educational institutions around the world. >>
20.07.2023 UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS WON NINE GRANT PROJECTS Within the framework of the competition for grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2023-2025 years, the scientists of S. Amanzholov EKU won nine projects for a total amount of 740 470 169 tenge. >>
19.07.2023 REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EKU IN THE TURKESTAN REGION ON A WORKING VISIT Representatives of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University met with the Mayor of Saryagash district of Turkestan region. >>